Personality Test

Personality Test

For our last project in graphic design, we were tasked with taking the Meyers-Briggs personality test. The test was around 70 questions and I ended up getting the INFJ personality type. The INFJ personality is the rarest of the sixteen personality types, it makes up less than one percent of the population. INFJ's are often called that advocates, they are made up of many social justice warriors and others who fought for freedom and equality. The main trait of the INFJ is their fighting personalities and strong beliefs, that makes them such good leaders.

I am a bit skeptical about my personality type. I feel like it describes me pretty well. I am slightly soft-spoken but I stand for what I believe in and I value equality over all. I am a good leader and I try to advocate for all. I am only skeptical because in all tests I have taken previously, I could have also been categorized as an INFP, or mediator. I wonder about taking the test again if I will get the same answer. I feel like the test, however, does explain some things about me. I can relate to wanting to care for others and being a leader as well as a shoulder to lean on.

I took a second test, not as accurate. it was to test which of four animals you are most like. The animals where, the otter, the golden retriever, the beaver, and the lion. Each of these animals had their own distinct personality types, for example, the golden retriever was considered very loyal while the lion was a strong leader. I ended up being a beaver. The beaver was categorized as being smart, organized, and hard working. I think I really relate to the beaver personality because I try to approach situations with both logic and understanding.

In a team, I am able to take a leadership position if necessary. I do like being in positions of leadership but if their is someone else who I feel could also be a strong leader, I would share the position. I feel like I also take a counseling approach to leading. If someone needs help with part of the assignment, I am there to help. As I leader, I think I lead through, not orders, but connecting with other members of my group and making myself available to help. As a leader, I also take time to assess situations before acting on a problem. I like to analyze before acting, especially when working on group projects. In the past, I think my analyzing had translated for some into judging and my quietness into rudeness or my leadership as a position of power. I try me best to expel this type of thinking when I work with groups.

I think it's important to know what your personality is. It will help you understand some of your personality traits. I think doing this personality type check was good because I was able to learn a bit more about myself and how I work in groups and use this personality type. 


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